Neil and Nelly MacDonald ploughing at Capisdale


Sleat At Sea

The Lighthouse at Isle Ornsay

The Lighthouse was built in 1851, costing £4,527. One man was killed while working there and was buried on the island. My grandmother, from 40 Camuscross, was the first...

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Isle Ornsay Shop

My memory of Isle Ornsay shop is of it being fully stocked with groceries, boots, shoes, pails, brooches and beads and the big bread hampers from Glasgow standing on the shore - the bread...

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On the Yachts

In 1983, Donald MacDonald, 1 Teangue, (born 1915 in Tarskavaig), was interviewed as part of a Sleat History Project. He told of his experiences as a young man working on...

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Boatyards and Boats

At the shore below Mrs Bunty Macdonald’s house was a boatyard where Sine Macdonald’s grandfather built boats. Boats were also built at Port An Fhiona, nowadays called the...

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Fishing in Tarskavaig

There was plenty fish. Tarskavaig was very good for cod. Every Spring three or four boats would go out to catch cod and lythe. They would catch maybe five or six...

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